It’s a bird eat bird world.

The Peregrin Falcon’s ( Falco peregrinus) diet consists almost entirely of medium sized birds.

It is the worlds most widespread raptor and the only major ice-free landmass from which it is entirely absent is New Zealand.

None the less, it is possibly to get one for yourself in .999 Fine Silver from the New Zealand Mint.

Peregrin Falcon ( Falco peregrinus) at Spier wine farm.

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Secretarybird, do you take notes?

What inspired the unusual common name, Secretarybird, (Afrikaans: Sekretarisvoël) for this bird?

Perhaps we will never know for certain.

It is regularly told in South Africa that the common name of the Secretarybird is due to the dark quill like feathers, resembling a quill pen behind the ear (apparently common practice for an 18th century secretary).

A more recent theory is that “secretary” is a French corruption of the Arabic saqr-et-tair or “hunter-bird”. Inspiration or after the fact fit?

Secretarybird (Sagittarius serpentarius) at Spier, outside Stellenbosh.

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